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Playtext of Shikhandi
by SeemaMalik on May 16 2020 10:57AM (IST)
Hi. I am working on contemporary women playwrights and I am looking for the playtext of Shikhandi.Wanted the publication details or the script, if available. Thanks.
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the 15 year old
by Manila on Apr 19 2018 8:26PM (IST)
Hello, I am Manila. I am 15 years old and I came to see the play on the 18th which took place at the Kamani Auditorium. I may have been the youngest person in the audience but I can assure you that I enjoyed the play the most. For class 9-10 I had taken drama as a subject. I am a very shy person when it comes to performing live or in front of a camera. I got really inspired by the energy that EACH one actor had. And I was able to recognize quiet a few of you. The actor who played Draupadi, I've seen many of your videos on Youtube and same goes for the actor who played Shikhandi :)
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