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Writer with a story and a wish
by Abhay on May 20 2018 11:44AM  (IST)


I am a writer and a copywriter. I have a 3-part story with an intrinsic theatrical quality, I think.

The story sits on the cusp of the transformation of lust into love. Set in the contrasting backdrops of undomesticated wilderness and a bustling European city, it narrates the union of a gipsy shepherd and an urbane starlet in an evergreen meadow. They separate after a brief affair, the starlet carrying the shepherd’s seed in her womb. What happens thereafter is an intense, emotionally drenching experience that can move the audience to tears and more tears.

I wish to explore possibilities for its theatrical adaptation, and request a message from interested luminaries.

Pan Nalin said about this story, "In a short format, it beautifully evokes imagery and emotions. The poetic narrative is engaging and effective."

I will be delighted to send the story for a reading. It will be a few minutes well invested!


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