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The adaptation
by Abhijit Mone on May 27 2020 2:26AM (IST)
Is the adaptation a available to read/perform?
Kind regards
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Walk in the woods
by Dr. CATHERINE JOSEPH on Mar 7 2016 12:25PM (IST)
Deepa Punjani's review is excellent. However I disagree on one point.In the Kochi performance of the play on 6 March 2016, I found the rendering of the two poems wonderfully evocative.As for Shah inke bare me tho kya kahena!I have seen every play of his, wrote a review of Mahatma vs Gandhi in The Hindu when it was staged in Delhi. His histrionic ability and charisma are incomparable. As Deepa writes Rajit Kapoor's performance is one of his best till date.I loved the play.
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