
Writer :  Nikhil Katara
Director :  Gerish Khemani
Cast :  Rohit Mehra, Max Fernandes, Jigar Mehta, Barkha Fatnani, Antaraa Vasudev, Shreya Shah, Akshita Kariwala


By MTG editorial

THE UNVEILINGTHE UNVEILING is a journey of two people who meet each other on another realm of existence. One is the great physicist and scientist Albert Einstein and the other is a commoner from Goa, Joshua Mathews. Einstein's journey on Earth may have ended in 1955, but his role in the Universe did not. According to the chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions; where a small change at one place can result in large differences to a later state. The universe is also dependent on an undertone of chaos.

So here, Einstein is alive and working with the same vigour. Joshua Matthews, after having lived his life on Earth gets transported by an unexplained force to that different realm. He meets Albert Einstein in this unusual space and discusses many questions that plagued his mind during his sojourn on Earth. While Einstein has answers to many questions, he has a few questions himself.

The discussions that begin with the importance of learning lead to the complicated questions that have forever mystified the human race.

What is space and time?

What is the meaning of Life?

What is the divine pattern of this universe?

Does God exist?

Together, Einstein and Mathews experience another epiphany that could perhaps be an answer to these questions.

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