Theatre Speaks

Tom Alter
[Hindi, English Theatre ]
Tom AlterWhich is the last best play you saw?

The last play I saw was an IPTA production at Prithvi -- featuring Aasid Sheikh, Vinati Makhijani, Avatar Gill and Rakesh Bedi - a powerful, intense play.

Your favourite adda to see a play

I have no favourite adda -- but still enjoy Prithvi in Mumbai and Sri Ram Centre in Delhi.

Your favourite playwright

Very, very difficult to answer. But I like the work of Shivani Tibrewala and Dr Sayeed Alam

Your favourite play-character

Maulana Azad

A play you would like to see filmed. Why?

MAULANA AZAD- for the sheer drama of it.

A novel/short story you would like to see on stage? Why?

It has already happened. I staged Hemingway's 'The old man and the sea' with Shivani Tibrewala because it is my all- time favourite novel -- given to me by my father when I was seven.

The most hilarious play you have seen

BIG B by Dr Sayeed Alam

A play, which is over-hyped

Many of Shakespeare's plays.

An important play (but ignored)


A play character you would like to ''dialogue'' with

Maulana Azad

A passage from an important play that you can recite

Lucky's speech from WAITING FOR GODOT - in English and Marathi and from UNDER MILK WOOD, a play by Dylan Thomas.

A play that changed your perception about the theatre

WAITING FOR GODOT with Naseer and Ben.

How do you regard the Mumbai theatre scene?

From a seat in the auditorium.

Have you read any interesting books/articles concerning the theatre? Why did you find them interesting?

Peter O Toole's autobiography - because he talks about everything else except acting.

Your favourite director/actor/music or set designer

Dr Alam - director; Harish Chhabra- actor

A significant Indian production that you may have witnessed

Will always remember seeing Naseer for the first time in THE ZOO STORY

Life in the theatre without the humble batata-wada or the cutting chai... or can you recall the best gastronomic experience you've had in the precincts of the theatre to date?

The chai at Sri Ram Centre.

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