


By MTG editorial

Writer : Shekhar Sen
Director : Sekhar Sen
Cast : Shekhar Sen

KABEER Story : 

Love, Peace and Religious Harmony are the three mantras that have the power to make every divisive wall melt and to raze every barrier erected by fanatic rage and hatred. Among the innumerable Masters who have tried to make man realize the importance of internalizing these life-giving qualities is the prolific poet-saint KABEER, whose immortal songs capsuling the highest truths in the most simple and lyrical words are ensconced in the heart of every seeker of the Divine, religion no bar! It is the unique 600-year-old story of this All-time-Great that writer-composer-director, singer and actor Shekhar Sen breathes life into on stage through the mesmeric, 2-hour mono-act Kabeer which has 45 song sequences! Sen’s voicepower and charisma combine to carry the viewer into another time, another clime " the ‘spiritual city’ " Kashi ,where Kabeer- the sensitive foundling of unknown parentage, growing in the loving foster-care of a Muslim couple, feels a rising rebellion about the bigotry and superstitious beliefs of the high priests propagating a totally false notion of religion. The commendable dramatic skill with which Shekhar empowers the audience to feel the impact on this creative revolutionary of holy personages like Guru Ramanand, Raidas, Shaikh Fareed, the stirring nuances with which he presents the story of KABEER’s marriage to Loyee, the dramatic intonation with which he flexes his script to describe KABEER’s milestone-meeting with Sikandar Shah Lodhi, everything adds up to make this magical musical a ‘forever-experience’ in the album of memories.

   KABEER Play Schedule(s)
 8:00 PM, Sat, March 1 ISKON Auditorium, Mumbai (map link)

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