


By MTG editorial

Writer : Shekhar Sen
Director : Shekhar Sen
Cast : Shekhar Sen

Packed with the fiery erudition, fierce patriotism, irrepressible energy and musical genius of a spiritual dynamo who was, is and forever will be an Immortal Inspiration for every Indian, Shekhar Sen’s 2-hour long musical mono-act Vivekanand is a befitting creative tribute to this youth icon and spirited son of Bharatmata!

Skilfully weaving 32 melodious song-sequences through the fact-based narrative, writer-singer-director - actor Sen takes the audience through the rivetting story of a rebel-saint his childhood in an artistic but modest household, his exposure to the ideology of the Brahmo Samaj, his growing thirst to physically see God and his divinely ordained meeting with his Master - Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa in short, the incredible transformation of the seeker Narendra into the towering visionary called Swami Vivekananda.

Equally appealing to both the intelligentsia and the spiritually inclined, Sen’s well-crafted presentation brings home both the global impact of the unforgettable 1893 Chicago address which put both India and the timeless wisdom of Hinduism on the world map and also revealed the limitless canvas of Vivekananda’s mind and heart - that razed all man-made walls and saw all inhabitants of this planet as members of a single Vasudhaivakutumbakam- Mother Earth’s family!

It is this astute mix of Vivek and Anand this ability to stimulate the intelligence and stir the heart -that has earned kudos for this brilliant production on a world-platform.

Please click here for the review of the play

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