


By MTG editorial

Writer : Mandar Ingle & Shreyas Joshi
Director : Abhipray Kamta
Cast : Shreyas Joshi, Parth Kokil, Mugdha Bhosale, Abhipray Kamthe, Siddhant Jagtap & Darshan Wadke

CINEMA Story : 

'CINEMA' is a drama set in the city of Pune in the 1930s. The play depicts the journey of a boy (Madhu) to watch the first Marathi sound-movie that was released in 1932, named 'Ayodhyecha Raja' parallel his father's (Raghunath Sathe) struggle to fulfill his wish despite their poor financial background. The decline of drama began in 1922 and lasted till 1934. The father, Raghunath Sathe is a drama artist who acts and sings in various plays of the time. He is well-known for singing and acting. He worked with great artists like Balgandharva and Sangeetsurya Keshavrao Bhosale. Keshavrao, upon great impression of Sathe's work, gives him a coin as a reward. The presented artwork shows a melodious musical fusion of drama and CINEMA, where the father represents 'drama' and the son represents the recent emergence of 'CINEMA'. The coin given by Keshavrao plays an important role in this journey. That coin is a symbol of the father's self-respect. The play navigates through their emotions and brings forth a Cinema is a celebration of a father-son's dear bond.

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