


Parul Rana

Direction : Trishla Patel
Writer : Jim Cartwright
Cast : Amattulah Poonawala, Ananya Merchant, Ayaan Marshan, Fatema Mewawala, Jay Shah, Kaira Aga, Mohammed Mewawala, Nia Patwardhan, Shiraz Aga, Surya Sami, Taerah Das, Zehra Hakim


MOBILE PHONE SHOW is presented by the students of Bombay International School, as part of the Connections India programme. The play is written by Jim Cartwright and directed by Trishla Patel. A unique interactive theatrical experience where only two things count - your phone is on and you have a signal! At times tragic, heartwarming, and funny. The narrative examines the role that phones play in the twenty-first century, including how we use them to remain connected, explore the world and store our lives.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the performance is about to begin, could I please ask you all to turn your mobile phones ON. Thank you.' Could you function without your mobile phone? Or would you have a meltdown? We all use them - they've become extensions of us and can rule our lives."

It is a cacophony of communication, a chorus fully charged up with the chaos that is amplified and rhapsodized by rap, text, tweets, and gabble, a wonderful celebration of everything mobile. The devising of the play is done in a way where scenes run smoothly from one to the other. The familiar sounds of a mobile phone's ringtone, beeps trills and unexpected calls were ever-present which worked like a gentle reminder of how much one uses their phone works in the favour of the play.

What makes it special is the message coming from a group of young actors performing on stage- having fun, letting loose, and daring to deliver monologues, sing, rap, and crack jokes with the purest sincerity and innocence. Students from Bombay International School are carrying a beautiful visual feast on their young shoulders. The lights and music add perfectly fine to the experience.

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