TWO FOR TANGO, THREE FOR CHARLIE, directed by Saurabh Shukla.
Your favourite 'adda' to see a play
Your favourite playwright
Harold Pinter
Your favourite play-character
A play you would like to see filmed. Why?
THE GLASS MENAGERIE, written by Tennessee Williams.
The most hilarious play you have seen
A play, which is over-hyped
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, directed by Vikranth Pawar.
A play character you would like to ''dialogue'' with
Juliet from William Shakespeare's ROMEO AND JULIET.
A passage from an important play that you can recite
A passage from WAITING FOR GODOT, written by Samuel Beckett.
A classical play that you should have read
TAMING OF THE SHREW, written by William Shakespeare.
A play that changed your perception about the theatre
HOORIYAA, directed by Anamika Haksar.
How do you regard the Mumbai theatre scene?
Despite being the cultural capital, the quality of the plays is not so good. People prefer short cuts and resist experimenting with different forms.
Have you read any interesting books/articles concerning the theatre? Why did you find them interesting?
'Rang- Prasang', published by the National School of Drama.
Your favourite director/actor/music or set designer
Ratan Thiyyam- director and playwright.
A significant Indian production that you may have witnessed
UTTAR PRIYADARSHI, directed by Ratan Thiyyam.
Life in the theatre without the humble batata-wada or the cutting chai... or can you recall the best gastronomic experience you've had in the precincts of the theatre to date?