
Call To Playwrights

February 4, 2022 4:32:54 PM IST
MTG editorial

Entries are being invited for the Sultan Padamsee Awards 2022! The deadline is May May 1 2022 and the cash prizes for the top three play scripts are tempting enough to start thinking and hit the keyboard or writing pad,

Just to recap: Sultan Padamsee founded the Theatre Group (TG) in 1941 with his first production, MACBETH, and by 1944, Derrick Jefferies, Jean Bhownagary, Adi Marzban joined in and gave Mumbai productions like OTHELLO and SALOME. His legacy was carried forward by Ebrahim Alkazi, Hamid Sayani and Alyque Padamsee. Later other legends like Pearl Padamsee, Gerson da Cunha, Vijay Crishna and Sabira Merchant committed themselves to the TG goal of delivering quality theatre. For more than five decades TG dominated the Indian English theatre scene with landmark productions. Tragically Bobby passed away in 1946.

The Sultan Padamsee Award for Playwriting was instituted in his memory in 1966. Among the prominent winners have been Gurcharan Das with LARINS SAHEB, Geive Patel with PRINCES, Dina Mehta with THE MYTH MAKERS and Cyrus Mistry with DOONGAJI HOUSE.

After a gap of 14 years, the awards were reinstituted in 2011, and have been a regular feature on the city's culture calendar.

Please Click here for details.

*Mumbai Theatre Guide takes no responsibility for change in schedule.

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