
Alwarrangam Theatre Festival 2023 75 Days 75 plays

January 10, 2023 16:04:13 IST
MTG editorial

Alwarrangam, India's biggest Theatre Festival of 75 Days will be organized by Rang Sanskar Theatre Group from 13th January 28th March 2023.

The festival will have 75 different plays in different languages, which will be staged at HMT Auditorium, Alwar.

Click here for schedule

Founder of the festival Deshraj Meena shares his excitement, “The Alwar Festival has been conducted every year in Rajasthan, but this will be the first time where plays will be staged during the Festival for continuous 75 days which is not an easy task. We have received between 600-700 plays and we finalized 75 of them in different languages from 15 different states along with one group from Bangladesh.”

*Mumbai Theatre Guide takes no responsibility for change in schedule.

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